How Can I Customize My APC Request Form?

This article will show you the different ways you can customize the APC request form.

Anita Hopper avatar
Written by Anita Hopper
Updated over a week ago

Settings Overview

Oable allows you to customize the APC request form your institution's authors complete, and there a wide variety of settings for the form that you can change. To edit your APC request form, navigate to the institutional <Settings> button, which can be found at the bottom of the menu on the left side of the screen.

By default, the <Settings> screen opens on the <Researcher Funding Form Settings> tab, which is what you will be using to customize your APC request form. Within this tab, there are four subsections, which are <Generic>, <Fields>, <Values>, and <Order>. Each of these subsections allows you to customize different aspects of your APC request form.


This section controls what users will see at the very beginning of your APC request form. Here, you can enter any introductory text you wish to include at the top of the form, as well as upload a logo, if you wish.


This subsection allows you to decide which information fields you'd like to include in your APC request form, and whether those fields will be optional or required. Potential fields include the author's ORCID number, their department info, the article's publication type, and more.


In the <Values> sub-section, you can configure certain fields to only take certain responses. For example, you could configure the "License Type" field to only take the responses "CC-BY" or "CC-BY-NC."


The <Order> sub-section is where you can decide what order you'd like the elements of the APC request form to appear in. This can be done by dragging and dropping each of the boxes on the screen into the desired order.

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