How Can I Make a Report?

This article provides guidance on how to create reports in Oable.

Written by Oable Support
Updated over a week ago

Reporting in Oable

Oable allows users to quickly and easily generate two kinds of reports: Submission Reports and Transaction Reports. Both of these can be generated in the <Reporting> section in Oable, which can be accessed in the sidebar on the left side of the screen. Once you are on the <Reports> page, you can create a new report by clicking <Create Report> button in the top-right of the window.

Submission report

The Submission Report pulls data on the Submission level, meaning it provides information on the articles, manuscripts, and open access requests entered into Oable. There is one row per Submission and via the filter options (see below) the report can be tailored according to the scope.

Transaction report

The Transaction Report focuses on the Transactions that occur in the Oable system, with one row for each transaction performed. In addition, this report will also include information about payment methods and deposit account top-ups made.

The focus in Transaction Reports is the Transaction itself, rather than the Submission tied to the Transaction. Therefore, since a single Submission may undergo multiple transactions, such as in the case of split payments, the report may include multiple Transaction rows for a single Submission.

See below also the different status that can be filter for:

Transaction Report Example

For an example, please refer to the video below, which demonstrates how to create a transaction report:

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