What do the Agreements Parameters mean?
Written by Oable Support
Updated over a week ago
Agreements are typically configured by the Oable team. Reach out to your Oable Support manager via the chat to receive support. Note that previous versions of the agreements are always saved, and any changes made to the parameters can be traced.

When you are in the Agreements page, you can click on either "New Agreement" or the Edit icon on the right side next to the Agreements to view the Agreement parameter settings. The new/edit Agreement window as shown below opens, which is for a publisher agreement as you can see from the presence of the Publisher field.

Below you will find a description of each of the Agreement sections and fields:


Field Name



Agreement Name

The name of the agreement, for example "Wiley Hybrid Open Access Agreement"

Publisher Name

The associated publisher e.g. Wiley

Only visible for Publisher Agreements

Journal List

The list of ISSNs part of the agreement

Only visible for Publisher Agreements

Publisher Contact

The dedicated publisher contact person for publisher related support

Only visible for Publisher Agreements

Eligible Submission Time Window

The agreement start and end date

Eligible Window Type

The Request time parameter that linked to the agreement start and end date

Two options:

  • Date of Submission

  • Date of Acceptance

ESAC Agreement ID

The ESAC ID associated with the agreement for integration and reporting purposes

Internal Agreement ID

The institution internal ID associated with the agreement for integration and reporting purposes


The Eligibility section supports the approval/denial process and check for compliance on the Request level with the business agreements of the Agreement. Note that in many agreement a set of the fields are commonly left empty except for the Creator Role.

Field Name



Publication Types

In case a particular subset of publication types are part of the agreement.

If left empty, this means there is no validation and thus compliancy check for this field.


In case the agreement is only allowing for a certain set of licenses. When selecting CC BY and CC BY-NC these shall be the only eligible licenses.

If left empty, this means there is no validation and thus compliancy check for this field.

Creator Roles

In case the agreement is only allowing particular roles in order to be eligible. Typically the "Corresponding Author" for Transformative Agreements.

If left empty, this means there is no validation and thus compliancy check for this field.

Author Organisation Units

In case the agreement is only eligible for a particular faculty, for example the university hospital.

If left empty, this means there is no validation and thus compliancy check for this field.

Submission Price Cap

In case there is a maximum price agreed upon for individual Requests, this needs to be entered.

If left empty, this means there is no validation and thus compliancy check for this field.


The Payment section supports the actual payment configuration of a Request after it was approved. For most Agreements, these settings will be preconfigured and marked as read-only since these approved Request are always transacted against a dedicated Deposit Account. When default Payment methods are configured, the workflow also allows for automation of such Payment. See the Automation section below.

Field Name



Default Payment Method

When selected, per default approved Request will be planned to be paid over this Method

If left empty, the Payment method will need to added manually in the payment process for each Request part of this Agreement.

Default Deposit Account

If the payment method is a Deposit Account, then this field allows one to select the dedicated account.

If left empty, the deposit account will need to added manually in the payment process for each Request part of this Agreement. Only needed if Payment Method equals Deposit Account.


If the payment method is a Deposit Account, then the Currency will be defined by the Account. For an Invoice method, the currency can be set separately.

If left empty, the currency will need to added manually in the payment process and will need to match with the Request currency. Only needed if Payment Method equals Deposit Account, the currency is already preset.

Default Cost Centre

If cost centres are setup, then it is also possible to select a cost centre for reporting purposes.

If left empty, this means there is no cost centre stored alongside the payment and empty when reporting. It is an optional field.

Agreement Cap

If an Agreement Cap is set, it will enable the tracking of actual agreement expenditure versus the agreement cap.

Optional field.

Payment Validation

The Payment Validation section enables to implement certain checks prior to paying an approved Request, and this creating a payment and Transaction. For example, a setting might be that an approved Request should only be possible to be paid against any balance when it is accepted for publication or has a DOI.

Field Name



Validate presence of DOI during Payment

When switched on, payment will only be possible when an DOI is stored with the Request

Validate presence of License during Payment

When switched on, payment will only be possible when an License is stored with the Request

Validate presence of Date of Acceptance during Payment

When switched on, payment will only be possible when an Date of Acceptance is stored with the Request

Validate presence of Date of Publication during Payment

When switched on, payment will only be possible when an Date of Publication is stored with the Request

Validate presence of Invoice during Payment

When switched on, payment will only be possible when an Invoice is uploaded with the Request

This will be preset for Internal APC Fund Agreements to be configured


This is the brain of the Agreement. Once a Request is successfully assigned to an Agreement, be it manually or automatically, the flow of the rest of the process can also be automated. For more information about Agreement automation and the implications see here.

Field Name



Automatically assign Requests to Agreements

When switched on, the system will automatically assign Requests to Agreements. This is usually preset for publisher agreements.

Assignment occurs based on the ISSN list AND the agreement time window if provided as set in General section.

When switched off, incoming Request will require manual assignment to the Agreement

Automatically approve Requests for funding

When switched on, the system will automatically try to approve Requests but only WHEN compliant with the Eligibility settings.

When switched off, Requests will require manual approval/denial.

Automatically start processing payment

When switched on, the system will automatically move approved Requests to "Ready for Payment"

When switched off, approved Requests will need to be moved manually to "Ready for Payment" workflow step

Automatically plan deposit transactions

When switched on, the system will automatically try to plan & pay Requests WHEN Default Payment parameters are entered in Payment settings

When switched off, payments will need to be processed manually.

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